Best xml editor first object
Best xml editor first object

best xml editor first object best xml editor first object

You have given a good description for a problem that has bugged me for a long time. Seems like it is not getting or computing the character position correctly if the mouse click is in that very narrow zone. If you carefully click on the very left edge of the right pane, but maybe one pixel to the right of where the pointer turns to a double headed arrow, the cursor will often go to the top of the file. It seems to happen mainly when working at the beginning of lines, so maybe it has to do with the program not recognizing that the cursor is at the left margin, and thinks you want to be at the beginning of the file. When you repeat the action, the problem usually does not happen. Similarly, often when you click somewhere and press ctrl-V to paste some text, it puts it at the beginning of the file. Often when you drag to select some text, the cursor jumps to the first character in the whole file instead of the location where you did the mouse-down, so you end up with a huge selection.

Best xml editor first object